Acehnese students condemned the shooting at the new Silandia mosque


Aceh, - Students in Aceh condemned the shooting tragedy that occurred in New Zealand on Friday. They called the incident which caused 49 people to kill it as a form of terrorism.

Dozens of studnts from this campus and organization held an action at Simpang Lima in Banda Aceh City on Saturday, March 16, 2019. The action was titled 'Praying for New Zealand'.

In the action, the Action Coordinator, Agus Ismansyah, stated that the international view of terrorism was proven wrong. Any act of terrorism can be carried out by anyone, regardless of the appendage of religion.

"The world has so far called terrorists only in Muslims. In fact, Bukamindung, but it is called a shooter. In fact, today, it is not done by Muslims," ​​said Action Coordinator, Agus Ismansyah, March 16, Maret 2019
They asked the world not to embed a symbol of protection for a particular religion. Terrorism, Agus claims, is not religious and is a common enemy.

Students who helped pray for the victims and asked the world to try out various factors that discussed terrorism without seeing feathers. The victims must also argue that they cannot hurt the families of the victims.

"We care and are concerned about our brothers and sisters in New Zealand. They must succeed so as not to ignite resentment," Agus concluded.

Previously, the world was shocked by the shooting that took place at 2 mosques in the city of Christchur on Friday. Leaders from various parties strongly condemned the brutal action

